
Your pet is more than just an animal—they’re your family and companion.

Just like you accessorize every day, give them a touch of personal flair to compliment their Birch Band collar.

Collect them all for the ultimate accessory, and learn about each charm below!

Charm Profiles

  • Potty Trained

    For the good boy or girl who always goes outside.

  • Rider

    For the pooch who adores car rides to nowhere.

  • Escape Artist

    For the Houdinis among us.

  • Adventure Awaits

    For the pup who loves the great outdoors.

  • Bath Time

    For the odd ones out who adore their bath.

  • BFFL

    For those who are inseparable.

  • Birch

    Rep it right.

    Description goes here
  • Biter

    Stay back, we’ve got a feisty one.

  • Patriotic Pride

    For those who bleed red, white, and blue.

  • Deaf

    These four-legged friends can’t hear, so be careful and mindful around them.

  • Fighter

    We’ve got a fighter on our hands, so watch out!

  • King of the Domain

    Pride of a king, attitude of one too. For the pup who gets what he wants, when he wants.

  • New Retriever

    For the boy or girl who adores fetch.

  • Swimmer

    This one is a nod to the dogs who love a good swim.